Join the team and develop your career

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Why you want to work at Banyan

We are a multi-lingual, multi-cultural team of talent acquisition professionals and IT experts, Banyan is an organization that does not merely accept differences – we celebrate them. We are passionate about supporting and celebrating the beautiful spectrum of humanity and do our part to provide our employees with competitive wages, logistical support, relocation services, paid-overtime, an inclusive work environment, vacation time, flexible work conditions, and an accepting environment from start to finish.

We believe that by investing in the success and happiness of our team members, we are able to provide a superior experience for our clients.


How to start your journey at Banyan

  1. Go to “open positions”

  2. Find a your dream job through the provided link

  3. Send in a quick application (include a reference to your dream job)


Frequently asked questions

Q: I’m want to move to the Nordics and work at Banyan, will anyone help me with the hassle of relocation?
A: We will help you in the best way we can and understand that its a big step. We hope to make your move as easy as possible by providing guidance and support on any practical topic such as transportation, housing, banking, etc.

Q: What should I expect from Banyan in terms of career coaching and support?
A: With an initial screening dialog we try to understand who you are and what you want to achieve. Once we move on to the next steps we are very invested in coaching you to find your dream assignment. We use our knowledge and experience from the Nordic job market to help you get want you want, this includes everything from how to write an application and structure your CV to preparing you for an interview and providing feedback.

Q: Does Banyan offer any benefits to its employees?
A: Yes, besides a competitive salary we also offer financial support for relocation and a yearly wellness allowance for you to spend on you health and wellbeing. There are also opportunities for us to support your professional development via financial compensation for courses and trainings.

Q: Is it possible to start working at Banyan and then later on be hired by the customer company?
A: Yes, of course! We are very happy to help you in this transition and would be very proud if our clients wants to hire our IT-professionals.

Q: Are there any other obligation for me after I’m done with my assignment at Banyan?
A:  No, just remember that before starting any assignment with us our employees sign a Non-Disclosure-Agreement in order to secure our client’s confidential information.


If you have any more questions, don’t hesitate to reach us